Catalogue And Product Photography, Insurance Photos and eBay PhotographyCatalogue PhotographyProduct PhotographyInsurance PhotographyeBay Photography

Insurance Photography

Photography of valuables and unique items for insurance purposes. Keep a photographic record of your jewellery or other small items of value to assist with insurance valuations or claims.

Private Collection Photography

Create a catalogue of your own private collection - Star Wars figures, toy cars, jewellery or whatever.

We can arrange secure shipping and insurance up to $50,000 in value.

eBay Photography & Product Catalogue Photography

Product photography for print and website catalogues and eBay stores where uniformity of lighting, presentation and display angle are important. The sunglasses shown below are from a shoot we did for the UV Wraps website.

Product Photography

Promotional and display photography to show your products off in their best light. Group shots of multiple products, or an entire range, in the
one photo, or in a setting that highlights their use or application.

Website Photography

We can photograph any small objects (everyday or unusual) for you to use in the design or content of a website.

You supply the item or object and we'll photograph it for you. No mucking around with your own camera and lighting, or trying to get rid of the horrible grey backgrounds that most website product photos have.

All photos are supplied on CD in high resolution. See below for pricing.

How It All Works

Basically, you send us your stuff, we photograph it and then send it back to you together with a CD of high resolution images. If the item is smaller than a basketball, we can photograph it. Simple!.

Our studio is fully equipped with Canon 450D digital SLR camera equipment, genuine Canon lenses, softboxes, Dedolight Aspeherics studio lighting, and Photoshop CS3 for final touchup. Finished image size is 12.0 megapixels (approx 4100 x 2750 pixels) supplied in RGB JPG format at a resolution of 300dpi.

All JPG images are single-layer and supplied "as shot" but with post-processing carried out to normalise brightness, contrast and tone levels. Other post-processing options are available at additional cost including clipping paths, drop shadows, artificial background whitening and channel separation. Please contact us for more details.

Standard image setup is free-standing against a white background (as shown in the sample photos on this page) with the photo taken from the viewpoint you specifiy. Please Note: We don't cater for custom backgrounds, staged environment settings or scene props - just your product against a white background.

We are located in Cairns, North Queensland. If you can arrange to get the objects to us by insured registered post, we will look after the insurance while the items are in our care, and return them by registered post (with insurance) back to you at the end of the job. The cost of return postage (within Australia) and insurance is included in the prices shown below.

Our main activity is product catalogue photography, but for items of signifcant value (up to $50,000 combined value) we have procedures in place for secure storage and 'gentle' handling and would be more than happy to discuss these with you if you have any concerns.

Please Note: We are not insurance rated for more than $50,000 and are not registered to handle dangerous goods, hazardous chemicals, explosives or working firearms.


The following prices are inclusive of on-site insurance and insured post back to you (within Australia). All prices are in Australian Dollars.

5-49 Images
50-99 Images
100-149 Images
150+ Images
Studio Setup
Per Image

For example, 20 different images of the same thing, or a front and a reverse photo of 10 things, or a single photo of each 20 different things would all be classed as 20 images, so the cost would be $50 setup plus 20 x $17 = $390.

Similarly, an individual photo of each of 50 things, and then a further 5 "group shots" of each of the model ranges would be 55 photos in total and would cost $75 setup plus 55 x $16 = $955.

Minimum Charge: A minimum charge of 5 images ($135) applies for jobs of 5 images or less.

# Of Images: <--- Cost Calculator - Enter Number Of Images

Delivery Times

The following delivery times are what we need to get the photography and image processing done, so these timeframes commence from when we have received the items from you:
  • Less than 25 items - 5 working days
  • 25-50 items - 5-7 working days
  • 50-100 items - 7-10 working days
  • 100+ items - 10-14 working days
Depending on workloads at the time, you'll probably need to book your job in up to 2 weeks in advance.

A Few Other Things

All JPG images are single-layer and supplied "as shot" but with post-processing carried out to normalise brightness, contrast and tone levels. While all efforts are made to acheive a pure white background, some grey background fringing may still be apparent, however none of the photos on this page have required any extra work.

A few things that hamper the ability to get a nice crisp white background include:
  • Shooting from a very low angle (shadow fore-shortening and reduced background contrast)
  • Shooting white or chrome-silver items against a white background (no background contrast)

Image Backgrounds & Props: All of our work is product and catalogue photography that involves photographing your item against a white background. Unfortunately we can't offer the use of props or backgrounds to dress up the image, or any of the trickier effects and staging that are the hallmarks of promotional photography - white background catalogue photos are what we do best anyway.


On completion of the job we will email you proofs and high resolution samples from the shoot. Following payment by Mastercard, Visa or bank deposit we will send you a CD of all high resolution images and return your items to you.

We do stock photography for a living and have a gallery of over 1600 images for sale on

Stock Photo Gallery
Photos Of Food
Aromatherapy Photos
Fancy Dress Mask Photos
Australia Day Photos
Anzac Day Photos

Contact Us

Small Object Photography
PO Box 235
Yorkeys Knob, Qld, 4878

07 4055 8472

ACN: 083 056 366